Common Woman Books / Orlando / Audreys

Location: 10702 Jasper Ave NW (Audreys Books)

In the northwest corner of Audreys Books, shoppers can find the Orlando Corner. Here, a selection of fiction and non-fiction books by and about LGBTQ2 people has existed for almost twenty years. This corner is part of a legacy of queer bookstores in Edmonton dating back to the 1970s.

While North America had bookstores like Oscar Wilde Memorial Books, Glad Day, Giovanni’s Room, and A Different Light focused on LGBTQ2 people even before the Stonewall Riots, Edmonton’s first such institution didn’t come along until 1978. Common Woman Books, Alberta’s first women’s bookstore, began in Halyna Freeland’s basement when she, along with Mair Smith and Julie Anne LeGras, identified the need to make feminist literature available to Albertan women. This collective-run space moved locations a couple of times before a 1981 Grand Opening on Whyte Ave. Advertisements for that Grand Opening emphasized the space’s dedication to feminist literature and non-sexist children’s books. By 1987, that inventory was expanding. Staff member Andrea Ansbacher noted that “although we branched out into selling socialist and gay men's books, it was still the feminist theory, lesbian and women’s fiction which paid the rent.”

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Common Woman Books was a local feminist bookstore, which operated from 1978-1992.


Watch founder and owner Jacqueline Dumas describe the history of Orlando Books.

Learn more about the history of Common Woman Books.

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